Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bp5-the artic tale

In the documentary " artic Tale" by UF unlustras national walruses and polar bears living in the noth pole. Walruses live in hunger makes it difficult for them to find food for themselves and their babies. In the summer all animals die of hungry and sometimes polar bears eat walruses.
Also in the video it teaches you a female sealwho have babies who are twins man and woman called " the girl and the boy Nanu" they try to each home to live and her mom taugh Asher that combo.
The temperature is -20% and the wind movies at 80 miles per hour Nanu is about a man and his food when she kniws that the polar bear can kill her family was a miracle that she and her family could escape the polar bear.

Global warming refers to climate change as a result of greenhouse gases. Some experts believe that if we don't make an effort to stop air pollution and the release of greenhouse gases, the climate change from global warming will change the world. 
carbon dioxide output) contains both metabolic and absorbed carbon dioxide from the peritoneal cavity. When elimination of carbon dioxide is much higher than carbon dioxide output, storage of tissue carbon dioxide and arterial carbon dioxide concentrations change. Finally, the rate of carbon dioxide eliminated in expired gas is not a match for the real rate of metabolic production and absorbed carbon dioxide from the peritoneal cavity. During and after insufflation of carbon dioxide, changes in carbon dioxide output were elucidated under constant arterial carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2), the same as the preinduction level. We studied patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. 

Bp6-California and it's important to the U.S.

California is the largest state in the u.s with over $38 million in population. If California was it own country, the economy would be the 8th largest in the world. California creates over $2 trillion in economy activity each year. The economy activity is equal to $52,631 for every woman, man, boy and girl in the state. ($2,000,000,000 / 38,000,000 people)

California's biggest industry is no doubt is agriculture. California leads the U.S. in the production of fruits, vegetables, wine ( grapes) and nuts.
With over 80,000 farms and ranches, California generates over $42 billion in agricultural business. What all this means? Of all the 50 states, California supplies 15% of all the agriculture and 7.1% of all the meat and the meat products to the U.S.
California is loaded with natural resources. A natural resource is  anything that is useful or valuable that naturally occurs in an area. An example would be water, oceans, beaches, minerals, soil, mountains, etc. 
withouth Soil and Water, California would not be as economically important as it is today. Because of California's soil and water resources, the state can claim its #1 position in agriculture, which produces 
  • $6.9 billion of milk
  • $4.5 billion of wine (grapes) 
  • $4.3 billion of almonds
$1.2 billion of tomatoes 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Bp4-the artic climate

The artic is located in the noth pole .it is home to polar bears, ringed seals and walruses to name a just  a few animals. People also live in the artic, like Alaskans, Canadians, and Russians. The word artic comes from the Greek work artikos, which means "near the bear"
The artic is very important because scientist refer to the region as "the refrigerator to the world"
40 degrees F to 50 degrees F. There are no trees in the artic has a lot of sea ice, and on top of the sea ice is snow. Because the snow is white, the Sun's radiation is reflected and the heat is sent out to space. Any changes that occur in the artic effects the climates in the rest of the world.
                                           Artic is drived from the Greek work arkitikos
Why is the artic important- artic climate is important because the artic acts as a refrigerator for the rest of the world.-the artic reflects more heat to space than it absorbs, which helps cool the planet.

                                        Icebergs,glacers, and ice shelves float in the ocean 

What is sea ice ? - icebergs, glaciers, and ice shelves float in the ocean but originate on land. Artic sea ice keeps the polar regions cool. And helps moderate the global climate. on the other hand , glaciers and icebergs originate on land, and are no considered sea ice. Because the earth, it's oceans and atmosphere are warming, sea ice is melting faster than ever in the history of the earth. The North Pole area has no land, and that's why the sea ice is important for bears because they walk and hunt on it.

There are many differents types of animas calling the artic home. These animals include: reindeer , polar bear, artic fox, Norwhal, walrus, seal, ox, moose, arca and slowly owl, orca.

Climate change and the artic - global warming is changing the lives of animals in the artic. For example, polar bears use sea ice to hunt and to move around the region.

New polar bear research -For the longest time scientists though climate change would make polar bears go into a "walking hibernation" that's not true, when bears cannot find food, thy starve, not go into a deep sleep. The researches found that one female bears swam 400 miles in nine days to find sea ice from which to hunt. The bears found, but lost 22% of its body fat and miscarred (lost her cub).

Thursday, July 9, 2015

BP2-Ocean priorities

-The oceans cover over two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. They play a vital role in global biogeochemical cycles, contribute enormously to the planet’s biodiversity and provide a livelihood for millions of people.
The oceans are absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and this is causing chemical changes by making them more acidic (that is, decreasing the pH of the oceans). In the past 200 years the oceans have absorbed approximately half of the CO2 produced by fossil fuel burning and cement production. Calculations based on measurements of the surface oceans and our knowledge of ocean chemistry indicate that this uptake of CO2 has led to a reduction of the pH of surface seawater of 0.1 units, equivalent to a 30% increase in the 
concentration of hydrogen ions. 

-In the last two decades, coral reefs in the Caribbean and around the world have experienced major natural disturbances. These natural events may have been influenced by human activities. During the early 1980s a water borne pathogen was carried throughout the Caribbean Sea. This pathogen caused a massive die-off of the long-spined sea urchin Diadema antillarum. At some locations the population of Diadema was reduced by 95 percent. Diadema is an important algae grazer, so its reduction resulted in increasing algal growth throughout reefs in the Caribbean. 

Through coastal development humans have destroyed important habitats. This contributes to decrease  water quality and increased storm demage.

Ocean are becoming more and more like acid. (Lemon juice) amounts + types of fishing available for human consumption. Using natural resources in a way that will leave .

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

BP3-Ocean acidification

Ocean acidification 

How are the oceans becoming more acid? How much have the oceans changed?
Acids and bases are two special kinds of chemicals, Over the 30% the oceans change , CO2 + OCEAN = hydrogen.
How are shelled animals affected ? By the CO2 , hydrogen competed animals for carbonate ions
( gives animals shells ) animal grow up small.
when did greenhouse gases being rising? 1800s industry revolution.
Where is the CO2 going ? The CO2 is been absorbed by the OCEANS.
what examples of acid and bases?
Acid= Grape juice,lemon juice.
Bases= Bleach, ammonia.
What animals being affected? (Corals, forminera, pectopod)

         The industrial revolution was a time during which factories sprung up all over the United state and Europe. People left country to move to the city in order to work in these factories. These factories spewed out tones of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through their smokestacks. The industrial revolution.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Bp1 water & San Diegans


 1)San Diego was build by importing water from hundreds of miles away into what is essentially a desert Enviorment. 

climate change will adversely affect San Diego, with more instances of drought and heat, reducing existing water sources. 
the main reasons are : many people need water to survive , we must not waste water.
Twenty percent of the San diego county's water supply generally comes from California state water project. 

-63% comes from Colorado river.

-17% comes from local sources.

Local water sources, like the accumulation from rainfall, which are held in reservors. 
Residential, business and factory users are the biggest users. as these demands grow in the future.